Autumn Problem Solving Book
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Date: ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Each Word problem is written in a statement, statement, question problem.
Problems are not stated in format described.
All problems are not complete. (example:written with one statement only)
Most but not all problems are written in format described.
Each Word problem is written in a statement, statement, question problem format.
Each word problem will have an an accurate labeled solution and work shown on the solution page.
Solutions are not all correct and work is not shown on solution page.
Solutions and format are correct on 2/4
Solutions and format are correct on 3/4
All problem have an an accurate labeled solution and work shown on the solution page.
Student uses correct math language for all four word problems.
Student uses correct math language on 1/4 word problems.
Student uses correct math language on 2/4 word problems
Student uses correct math language on 3/4 word problems
Student uses correct math language for all four word problems.
Book is eye appealing and includes correct spelling and language mechanics.
Numerous spelling and mechanics errors. Lacks illustrations.
Limited eye appeal and some spelling and mechanics errors.
Evidence of effort- book shows effort -is illustrated and most words are spelled correctly.
Book is eye appealing and includes correct spelling and language mechanics

Teacher Comments:


Another great math rubric from